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universidade lusófona

1st Intersectoral Conference on Lethal Autonomous Weapons, Artificial Intelligence and Lusophony

1st Intersectoral Conference on Lethal Autonomous Weapons, Artificial Intelligence and Lusophony

Universidade Lusófona and the InterAgency Institute in Lisbon, on the 11th of July, the Conference “Lethal autonomous weapons, artificial intelligence, and lusophony”. The event, which was supported by the Stop Killer Robots initiative, took place in a hybrid format, with the participation of guests and the public.


Opening (11am-11:30am)

  • Sabrina Medeiros - Lusófona University
  • Sergio Vieira da Silva - Director of the Degree in Security Studies, Universidade Lusófona
  • Fernando Campos - Director of the Master in Political Science, Lusófona University Ana Beatriz Duarte - PhD student at the University of Coimbra

Screening of the film “Immoral Code”, followed by a debate (11:30am-12:30pm)

Panel 1 - Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: challenges of emerging technologies (13:30-15:00)


  • Vasco Malta (Portugal) - Head of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Portugal
  • Migrations and artificial intelligence
  • Emellin de Oliveira (Brazil/Portugal) - Executive Coordinator of NOVA Refugee Clinic - Legal Clinic, Faculty of Law of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
  • Artificial intelligence and digitalization of migration management: what impacts on human rights?
  • Guedson C. Rompão (Cape Verde) - President of the Board of Directors of the Center for African Studies for Development and Innovation, CEADI
  • What human rights does artificial intelligence reinforce or diminish? The context of Cape Verde
  • Milton Meza Rivas (Spain) - United Nations Consultant
  • Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems: A Challenge to the International Humanitarian Right, Security and Disarm (Spanish presentation)

Mediator: Ana Paula Rodriguez - Researcher at the InterAgency Institute

Panel 2 - Artificial Intelligence and War: territorial implications, legal responsibilities and ethical-moral imperatives (3:30 pm to 5:00 pm)


  • Inês Godinho (Portugal) - Professor at the Lusófona University of Porto
  • Artificial intelligence and cyberwarfare
  • Bengue Gonçalo Manuel (Angola) - Lieutenant Colonel, National Defense Institute, IDN
  • Hasta la vista, sapiens: an overview of autonomous weapons
  • Karina Domingues Bressan Vidal (Brazil) - General Coordination of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
  • Digital transformation and artificial intelligence: an agenda for the digital society
  • Sandra Becker (Brazil) - Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations and Defense at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, IRID/UFRJ
  • Drones under Platonic ethics and strategy
  • Eduardo Mariutti (Brazil) - Associate Professor at the Institute of Economics at the State University of Campinas, Unicamp, and at the San Tiago Dantas Graduate Program
  • The eye of war: digitalization and the metamorphosis of perception. The mathematization of the visual field and contemporary surveillance and control systems

Mediator: Ana Beatriz Duarte - PhD student at the University of Coimbra.