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universidade lusófona

Café Europa Podcast

The European Studies and International Relations Coordinator at Universidade Lusófona, Jorge Botelho Moniz,  was invited by Café Europa, from Rádio Observador, for a special day. The podcast, one of the most influential on the national scene on European affairs, meets to discuss current European issues and discuss with students the importance of Europe Day in the context of the development of the European project.

Soon, the link of the podcast!

Conference: "Europe Day: Café Europa at Universidade Lusófona"

Day, time and place: May 9th, between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm, at Universidade Lusófona - Centro Univ. Lisbon, Auditorium José Araújo (library building) Live broadcast/video on Facebook @u.lusofona
