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universidade lusófona

LusoGlobe Centre Inauguration

The LusoGlobe - Lusófona Centre on Global Challenges was formally inaugurated on the 17th of May, with an event dedicated to presenting recent publications from its researchers.

The debates have shown a picture of what is included within the Centre's five lines of research.



Parte 1

Parte 2



  • Opening Session with the Pro-Rector for Research, Professor Diana da Silva Dias
  • Presentation of the Research Centre by António Costa Pinto and Sabrina Medeiros
  • Discussing the published research of LusoGlobe Research Lines.

11h00 - 12h30

Rethinking Portuguese Democracy Debating: António Costa Pinto (Ed.), Portugal Since the 2008 Economic Crisis Resilience and Change, London, Routledge, 2023

Discussants: Jorge Botelho Moniz, António Costa Pinto and, Cristina Nunes Donald Trump, The USA, Europe and the World

Debating: José Filipe Pinto, O Fim da Hegemonia Americana, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, 2023

Discussants: Sérgio Vieira da Silva and Vasco Rato

Vasco Rato, Tsunami – Trump, Trumpismo e a Europa, Lisboa, Actual Editora, 2023

Discussants: Teresa Nogueira Pinto and Riccardo Marchi


Religion and Society

Debating: Paulo Mendes Pinto e Daniel Mineiro (coord.), Carta das Religiões de Odivelas, Odivelas, 2022 Discussants: Fernando Campos, Steffen Dix, José Brissos-Lino, and Daniel Mineiro

The European Union's current scene

Debating: Joana Covelo de Abreu e Liliana Reis (coord.), Instituições, Órgãos e Organismos da União Europeia, Lisboa, Almedina, 2021

Silvia Mangerona, Subsidariedade. Doutrina política e modelo de Estado, Estoril, Príncipia, 2021.

Discussants: Susana Rogeiro Nina, Regina Queiroz, and Silvia Mangerona

15h30 - Coffee Break

16h00 Chairs

Vasco Rato and Fernando Campos, Presenting MA Dissertations in Political Science, Diplomacy, and International Relations at Lusófona University, Lisbon Campus Ana Sofia Vasconcelos, Carolina Godinho, Henrique Claudino, Lilian Donati e Pedro Lopes Pereira