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universidade lusófona

The use of geospatial intelligence

The GIRI-hub researchers have published an article as part of one of its undergoing projects dedicated to geospatial data and analysis. They have submitted the article to a public competition on how youth can be engaged in creating solutions to global challenges. The researchers are undergraduate and graduate students.

The Use of Geospatial Intelligence by Young People in Environmental Preservation and Observation of Climate Changes

Ambrósio, Abraão; Atella, Bruno; Guedes, Camilla; Iriart, Danielle; Natal Costa, Gabriela; Vieira, Luiza; Silva, Margarida

Project leader(s): Vieira, Luiza
Supervisor(s): Sabrina Medeiros

The main objective of this article is to understand which are the uses of geospatial intelligence, its importance and impact in the context of climate change and how geospatial technologies and their use by youth groups can help humans to predict consequences and create strategies on how to deal with the threat of environmental issues and the degradation of the planet Earth. That said, it was sought to present which existing technologies for the analysis of changes, as well as what these changes are and which studies have already been carried out in this area so that it is possible to reduce the environmental impacts. It was also aimed to understand what is the role of young people

not only in the environmental issue but also in the development of technologies related to this and how their participation is important for issues related to the future and innovation. This way, from an analysis of concepts and a case study, it was possible to understand more about geospatial intelligence and its primordial role in the preservation of the environment. However, it was concluded that there is still much to be done and that there is a relevant impact of the use of geointelligence to the point of being a differential for the planet.


Ambrósio, Abraão, Atella, Bruno, Guedes, Camilla, Iriart, Danielle, Natal Costa, Gabriela, Vieira, Luiza, & Silva, Margarida. (2023). The Use of Geospatial Intelligence by Young People in Environmental Preservation and Observation of Climate Changes (ENG/POR). Zenodo.