Entreprise’s Social Work: Pratices, Possibilities and Challenges
LusoGlobe Research in Charge
01 September 2022End
31 July 2024Abstract
Despite the fact that in the 1960s and 1970s, corporate social work became one of the most attractive sectors with the greatest employment possibilities for social workers, the reduction in its scope of action that began to be seen in the 1990s and, consequently, the loss of space for social workers to intervene in this field, has meant that the knowledge we have today about entreprises as a socio-professional space for social workers is still incipient, providing little data on the real movement of social workers’ work in this field, with an even greater lack of in-depth content on the work process developed by Social Work in this context, justifying the relevance of current and in-depth studies in this area of knowledge. It is a fact that in recent years some studies in this field have begun to emerge in Portugal, as a result of the recognition of the profound changes in the labor market, the flexibilization of labor relations, associated with the exacerbation of the needs and problems related to the world of work and the reduction of the Welfare State, and which has opened up space, as in other historical moments, to bring (again) to the fore Entreprise’s Social Work and a more present action on the part of these professionals in the field of work. In order to assess this and other possibilities for intervention in the field of entreprises , this project sought to collect information from entreprises social workers in order to find out: a) areas of intervention; b) professional roles; c) social projects developed; d) challenges and constraints to intervention, and to draw up a profile of the company social worker, as well as to find out about their practices and possibilities for intervention.
Paula Ferreira (Coord.), Claudia Rosa, Sónia Raposo e Beatriz Caeiro
Associated Missions
Conference/debate on Social Work cases, held as part of the launch of the book Challenges and perspectives in psychosocial intervention, held on June 1, 2023, Lisbon Book Fair (South auditorium)
Rosa, C. & Ferreira, P. (2023). Enterprise challenges today: what opportunities for Social Work?(Desafios das empresas na atualidade: que oportunidades para o Serviço Social?). In Brinca, J., Magalhães, C., Luz, H., Nunes, V., Alves, A., & Fonseca, S. (Orgs.), Challenges and perspectives in psychosocial intervention (Desafios e perspetivas na intervenção psicossocial). Ed. Esgotadas, cap.4, 63-78. ISBN: 978-989-9155-05-3.
Ferreira, P. & Rosa, C. (in press). Especificidades da Relação de ajuda no Serviço Social de Empresa/ Specificities of the helping relationship in Corporate Social Work. In Brinca, J. (Org.). Relação de ajuda em Serviço Social/ The helping relationship in Social Work. Ed. Esgotadas.
Funding and Institution
Without funding