Europe at Crossroads. From New Social Movements to Populism, Organized Crime, and Terrorism
LusoGlobe Research in Charge: José Filipe Pinto
This project proposes to analyze the present situation of Europe, namely of the European Union countries, in a multi-orders world. The main goal is to identify the threats and the opportunities and to reflect on the role that Europe can play in the new world order. Specifically, the project raises three questions. First, what is the real situation of the European Union in the actual conjuncture? The answer to this question is indispensable to analyze its position, at several levels, in the ranking of the powers. Second, should the European Union become the leader of its own order or remain part of the Liberal Order and accept the American hegemony on it? This question intends to reflect on the relationship between the two Western allies after the end of the American-led world. Third, how must the European countries, if remaining members of the Liberal Order, deal with the other orders?. This question is important because, in February 2022, the leader of the Eurasian Order invaded Ukraine, a country that wants to enter the European Union, and, at the same time, the leader of the Silk Belt Road Order is spreading its commercial influence all over the world, while the Islamic Order is an ongoing process, raising fears and worries about the security of the Western way of life.
Book, and Event
01 August 2023End
31 January 2025