Territory and Environment | DITA
LusoGlobe Research in Charge
01 March 2021End
28 February 2022Abstract
Presentation With this proposal, CIDATE will coordinate the organisation, construction and dissemination of the first Illustrated Dictionary of Territory and Environment. The proposal is a joint action between ReLeCo CIDATE and NEA-ES. The Illustrated Dictionary of Territory and Environment is an unprecedented and open (wiki) collection of technical and popular terms used in the relationship between Portuguese-speaking communities and the territory and environment. More than just a static document, the Illustrated Dictionary of Territory and Environment aims to create a collection of lexical and graphic heritage, dedicated to research and the promotion of transdisciplinary approaches to the understanding, use and appropriation of territory. Conceived as a virtual and collaborative platform, the Illustrated Dictionary of the Territory and Environment will translate into the epistemological understanding that arises from the combination of various areas of knowledge, resulting from the transfer of knowledge and technology to promote the preservation of the collective memory and identity of the Portuguese-speaking countries of the CPLP. As a project, DITA aims to build, stimulate and enable the collection and collective construction of knowledge, through the articulation of a network of partners in Portuguese-speaking countries that includes technicians and academics. Focussed on communities, the Illustrated Dictionary of the Territory and Environment aims to promote citizen science in collaborative and participatory processes, as well as reflection on the use and appropriation of the territory, where language plays a fundamental role as a vehicle for information and understanding, to build more sustainable societies. DITA will be staffed by external curators and consultants, who will facilitate the verification of the accuracy, rigour and correctness of the entries included in the dictionary.
Nagayamma Tavares Aragão, Carlos Smaniotto Costa, Arlinda Cabral, Diogo Mateus, Zuinder Manico
Associated Missions
DITA Publicity Campaign Workshop to test usability and validation of DITA methods, techniques and tools Official launch of the DITA platform widely circulation of its opening.
DITA aims to create an illustrated, open, collaborative and learning dictionary on the territory and the environment, incorporating program content from scientific research, technological innovation, training and teaching, as well as methodologies and instruments for spatial planning. Creation of Collaborative Tools – including designing the architecture of the collaborative platform, analyzing ways of interacting and interfacing with various users and systems (web, smartphones, etc.) Creation of a discussion panel and curation of entries – including the training and qualification of curators (a priori doctoral students from each of the CPLP countries). DITA aims to create a database (wiki) that can be consulted by the community at large, providing a broad collection of Portuguese-speaking countries, discovering and valuing the proximity between the populations and the territory, and contributing to the strengthening of identity.
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