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universidade lusófona



01 January 2025


01 January 2028


The Institute of Social Work of Lusófona University has signed a Cooperation Protocol regarding the Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Impact Results of the ReViOP project, promoted by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém (SCMS), with the co-promotion of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, which is a candidate for the Partnerships for Impact measure, a funding instrument under Portugal 2030, the Portugal Social Innovation national public initiative, which aims to contribute to the promotion of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives (IIES) in Portugal. SOCIAL PROBLEMReViOP proposes to solve a problem of social exclusion for young people with educational needs attending the 3rd cycle of schooling, on an alternative school path (DL no. 54/2018), by promoting cognitive, emotional and relational/social skills, using cognitive stimulation through virtual reality and active participation through integration in participatory workshops. SCOPE OF ACTION – ReViOP Project will be developed with young people with educational needs attending the Agrupamento de Escolas da Cidade de Santarém. TARGET AUDIENCE- 30 young people with educational needs attending the 3rd cycle of schooling, as part of Decree Law n.º 54/ 2018 EXTERNAL ENTITY- Institute of Social Work of the Lusófona University of Lisbon. SCOPE OF THE PARTNERSHIPDevelopment of joint and concerted action.


Fátima Gameiro, Paula Ferreira and Jacqueline Marques

Funding and Institution

ReVIOP – Programa Portugal Inovação Social – Portugal 2030 (ALT2030-FSE+-00490200)