Fernando Rui de Sousa Campos. He completed Political Science at Lusófona University in 2010. He is an Associate Professor at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies. He has published 8 articles in specialized magazines and 7 papers in event proceedings, has 4 book chapters and 2 published books. It has 52 items of technical production. Participated in 30 events abroad and 26 in Portugal. Supervised 1 doctoral thesis and supervised 6 master’s dissertations in Social and Political Sciences. He had received 1 award and/or tribute. His research emphasises Philosophy, Ethics and Religion and Human Rights. In his professional activities, he interacted with 5 collaborators in co-authoring scientific papers. The most frequent terms in scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are African Studies, Democracy, Politics, Africa, Lusophone Studies, Migration, Multipartyism, Belonging, Religion and São Tomé and Príncipe.