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universidade lusófona
Integrated Researchers

Patrícia Oliveira

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Patrícia Oliveira is an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University and integrated researcher at LusoGloble – Lusófona Centre on Global Challenges (ULusófona). She holds a PhD in Political Science from the School of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP-ULisboa, 2019), a Master's in Political Science and International Relations (NOVA FCSH, 2012), and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations (NOVA FCSH, 2009). Teaching experience at the University of Beira Interior (UBI, 2022-2024), Lusíada University (ULusíada Porto, 2023-2024), Universidade Aberta (UAb tutor, 2023/2024), NOVA FCSH (guest lecturer, 2012; 2023; 2024), Sciences Po Paris, Campus de Poitiers (visiting professor, 2012-2015), ISCTE-IUL (guest lecturer, 2011/2012). Her scientific production is interdisciplinary (political science and international relations) and multidisciplinary (political studies, cultural studies and social movements) with her works published in indexed journals (SCOPUS Q1 and Q3) and other international databases (SciELO, LATINDEX, ERIH PLUS), associated with impact factors specific to the scientific areas. Participation in national and international conferences (USA – Seattle, New Orleans, Berkeley-California; Canada; Brazil; Spain; France; United Kingdom; Slovenia, among others), and participation in research networks for the internationalisation of teaching (Sciences Po Paris, Campus de Poitiers, France; Georgia Tech, USA;), research and mobility (CPLP, Macau-RAEM, China, ERASMUS+).  Specialisation in political theory, political culture, cultural practices, documentary film and aesthetics. Her research interests focus on political science and international relations, methodologies, political culture, and social movements. Coordination of multisectoral projects – scientific, academic and associative (Citizen Science; Citizens' Forum; AULP – Association of Portuguese Language Universities; Political Observatory). She is a board member and vice-coordinator of Political Observatory and deputy editor-in-chief of Political Observer – Portuguese Journal of Political Science (since 2010). She was part of the Permanent Mission of Portugal to UNESCO, Paris (2017-2018).