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universidade lusófona
Integrated Researchers

Sabrina Medeiros

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Professor Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros has a bachelor’s in History from Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), for which she received the University’s Prize for humanities undergraduate research. She completed an MPhil diploma at UFRJ, together with an internship from the British Council to research at the London School of Economics (LSE). She received her PhD degree in Political Science from IUPERJ (IESP). During her doctoral studies, she was a fellow from DAAD to the Berlin Wissenschaftzentrum fur Sozialforshung (WZB) and Freie Universitat. Sabrina received an honourable mention for Asociación Latino Americana de Ciencia Politica (ALACIP) for her PhD thesis. She had her post-doctoral position at Rio de Janeiro Federal University funded by FAPERJ. From 2010 to 2012, she has been a visiting scholar at Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidade de La Plata, Argentina. She was a professor at the Comparative History Master and PhD Programs at UFRJ (2006-2015).

As a faculty member of the Brazilian Naval War College from 2008 to 2020 (tenured in 2011; licensed in 2020), she was the founder of the Laboratory of Simulations and Scenarios and the co-founder of the accredited Master’s and Doctorate Degree Courses in the same institution.
She was a member and Director of the Brazilian Association of Defense Studies (ABED 2012-2013; ABED, Executive Secretary 2018-2020).

Sabrina is part of the board of evaluators for the International Cooperation Office of Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq) and CAPES.
She has been a member of the Inter-American Defense College Faculty on Defense Economics and Crisis Simulations (Washington, DC, USA).

She had worked with the Rio de Janeiro Security Forces (World Cup training, Olympics), including teaching subjects such as Governance, Command and Control. She led study missions to defence and security institutions in Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico and Haiti. In 2019, she was part of an Academic Dialogue Mission sponsored by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung to European Union and German institutions responsible for cyber-security efforts, with a particular interest in interoperability.

Since Oct 2020, she has been a researcher at the InterAgency Institute. She is also an Associate Researcher at the Instituto de Defesa Nacional (IDN), Lisbon, Portugal. Currently, she is Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, where she leads the GIRI_hub (Gamification and International Relations Investigation Hub). Sabrina Medeiros is a member of the International Studies Association and the Portuguese Political Science Association (APCP).