Visiting Researchers
Claudio Corrêa
DSc and Master in Business Administration and MBA in Marketing; Captain (Supply Corps, Rtd.); Counsellor in foresight and long-range planning; Former Chief of the War Game Center, lecturer in Scenarios planning methods at the Postgraduate Programme in Maritime Studies and Coordinator Researcher of the Simulation and Scenarios Lab of the Brazilian Naval War College; Foresight and other journals reviewer. Lecturer in Marketing, Business Entrepreneurship and Consulting at UNIFESO. Has participated in professional and academic activities in Brazil and abroad; Worked as Finance and Logistics Manager at Brazilian Navy and in Scenario planning consultancy in future studies for Blue Amazon Defense Technologies (Amazul), EZUTE Foundation, 2016 Olympic Games, etc. Alumnus of the US-William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies.
Research: Defence Futures and Scenarios Studies
This research aims to understand the diversity of scenario planning process of the NATO country navies, as well as to identify their main themes: key issues, trends, and driving forces. It includes also an investigation of the NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis group responsible for “developing and promoting long-term understanding and awareness of the future security environment that informs military decision-makers on the abilities that NATO may require”. This research fits the LusoGlobe “Security and Defence” research line because it uses a framework reference where scenario planning is considered as a way to bring together both traditional and non-traditional security issues and concerns using a multidisciplinary and participative approach to deal with the growing complexities and dynamics of the future operational environments. As a scenario planning advisor, practitioner and lecturer of the Brazilian Navy, I intend to bring this knowledge to our foresight process and foresight classes.
Period: May, 2024- Oct-2024
- Master in Diplomacy and International Relations - Teaching and advisory.
- Roundtable Moderation: Turkish Foreign Policy and EU Integration, Prof. Nergiz.
- NATO Matirime Security Congress, MARSECOE, NATO, Istambul, TR.
- CPLP Comissão do Mar meetings, planning and reporting. ESD visit. IDN visit.
- Erasmus Design Measures partners meeting, A Coruña, ES.
- Lecture - "How to teach futures?" in the course Defense Education Pedagogy of the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies. EUA National Defense University (
- Summer Workshop on Scenarios
- Data aggregation and paper preparedness.
- NATO Simulation Event, Rome, IT.
- NATO Rome Scenarios Planning.
- LusoGlobe Event: Scenario Planning and Tech Futures. Together with João Resende Santos (Fullbright Visiting Fellow, Bentley University).
LAURO, A.; CORRÊA, C. R. . Futures for the Maritime Domain: Signs and Trends that Shape Scenarios. In: Greg Kennedy, William S. Moreira. (Org.). Power and the Maritime Domain A Global Dialogue. 1ed.Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2022, v. 1, p. 286-301.
CORRÊA, C. R.; LAURO, A. ; TABORDA, J. U. . Future Scenarios and sea power. In: Alves de Almeida; Silva Ribeiro; Wiliam Moreira. (Org.). The Influence of Sea Power upon the Maritime Studies. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Letras Marítimas, 2022, v. 1, p. 169-180.
CORRÊA, C. R.. From prospective research to futures literacy : out of the box and forward looking practices in defence. In: 8 th Annual International Symposium on Foresight, 2022, Atenas. Abstract Book v. 1. p. 27-28.
CORRÊA, C. R.; LAURO, A. ; NICHOLS, G. C. L. . Prospecting Methods and Maritime Studies. In: ALMEIDA, F. E. A. ; MOREIRA, W. S.. (Org.). Maritime Studies: visions e perspectives. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Serviço de Documentação da Marinha, 2021, v. 1, p. 195.
LAURO, A. ; CORRÊA, C. R. ; HONORIO, T. J. . The potential impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on international defense and security. Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval (Ed. Português), v. 26, p. 579-607, 2020.
MEDEIROS, T. P. ; GUIMARAES, G. A. P. ; CORRÊA, C. R. . The future of nuclear energy and maritime power relations. In: 2019 International Nuclear Atlantic Conference – INAC 2019, 2019, Santos – SP. INAC 2019 Proceedings, 2019.
CORRÊA, C. R.; SANTOS, J. L. ; SERRAO, N. ; LAURO, A. . Prospective Scenarios as vector for social engagement on government policymaking: a debate from the Brazilian Defence sector. In: Gregory T. Papanikos. (Org.). 5th Annual International Symposium on Foresight – Abstract Book. 2019, v. 1, p. 37-38.
CORRÊA, C. R.; CAGNIN, C. H. . Prospective games for defence strategic decisions in Brazil. Foresight (Cambridge. Print), v. 18, p. 4-23, 2016.