Maritime Studies Comprehensive Project: Bridging Atlantic
This project is dedicated to advancing maritime security analysis and fostering stronger Atlantic relations. The project aims to address the evolving challenges and opportunities in the maritime domain while promoting cooperation among Atlantic nations. By leveraging a multidimensional approach encompassing policy frameworks, technological advancements, and diplomatic collaboration, this initiative seeks to research sustainable solutions to maritime security threats and enhance transatlantic partnerships. The project offers an in-depth analysis of the current state of maritime security in the Atlantic region, considering diverse factors such as piracy, illegal fishing, maritime terrorism, and illicit trafficking. This comprehensive assessment will serve as a foundation for developing effective strategies and policies to counter emerging threats and safeguard the shared interests of Atlantic nations. Emphasizing the significance of international cooperation, the project will encourage collaborative efforts among governments, maritime agencies, and relevant stakeholders, looking for the diplomatic macro and micro level, as well as political subsidiarity.
Additionally, the project will be based on fostering dialogue and forums, promoting engagements that encourage trust-building and facilitate the exchange of best practices. Technological innovation will play a pivotal role in this project. Furthermore, the project explores the integration of unmanned systems within emergency response operations. Another vital aspect of the project is the focus on capacity building and knowledge sharing. Training programs, workshops, and academic exchanges will be organised to enhance the skills and expertise of maritime security personnel. Different research initiatives and publications will contribute to a deeper understanding of maritime security dynamics, encouraging evidence-based policymaking and fostering innovation. The project will recognise the importance of public-private partnerships and engage with the private sector, maritime industries, and civil society organisations. Complementary collaborative endeavours will include initiatives to combat maritime crimes, promote sustainable practices, and support maritime infrastructure development.
Project connection to applied knowledge:
- Visiting Professor (Sabrina Medeiros) at NDU, William Perry Center (2024), Washington, DC, Maritime Security Course.
- Erasmus Mundus Design Measures:
Gonçalo Calado, Lusófona University
Maria Isabel Novo Corti, U Coruña ES + Institute of Maritime Studies team
Francisco Alves de Almeida, BNWC, CEPE-MB
Silvia Mangerona, LusoGlobe
Nilton Souza, ULusófona Guiné-Bissau
Claudio Correa, Visiting Professor LusoGlobe; BNWC, CEPE-MB
Paulo Duarte, LusoGlobe
- Pro-Defesa VI - Blue Amazon (2024-2028)
William Moreira, Brazilian Naval War College (BNWC); CEPE-MB
Claudio Correa, Visiting Professor LusoGlobe; (BNWC), CEPE-MB
Walter Mauricio, Brazilian Naval War College
- NATO MARSEC COE Maritime Security Interagency approach
Guilherme Cantarino, Brazilian Customs
William Moreira, Brazilian Naval War College (BNWC); CEPE-MB
- Lusófona contribution to the CPLP Seas Comission:
The commission includes the management institutions of the commission's first term, namely the Lusófona University (Portugal), the Center for Political-Strategic Studies (CEPE-MB, Brazil), the Amílcar Cabral Institute (Cape Verde).
01 July 2023End
01 July 2028Outputs
- International Conferences and Workshops: The project may organize international conferences and workshops dedicated to maritime security and Atlantic relations. These events will serve as platforms for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to present their work, share insights, and engage in constructive discussions to advance the field.
- Policy Briefs and Reports: The project will produce policy briefs and reports summarizing key findings, recommendations, and best practices in a concise and accessible format. These publications will target policymakers, governmental agencies, and international organizations, providing them with actionable insights and practical guidance to address maritime security challenges.
- Research Publications: The project will generate research findings, analyses, and case studies related to maritime security challenges in the Atlantic region. These outcomes will be disseminated through academic journals, conference proceedings, and reports, contributing to the existing body of knowledge on maritime security and fostering a deeper understanding of the subject.
- Policy Recommendations: Based on the project’s research and analysis, policy recommendations will be developed to address maritime security challenges in the Atlantic region. These recommendations will be shared with relevant governmental and international entities, providing evidence-based guidance for formulating effective policies and strategies.
- Abdenur, A. E., & Neto, D. M. D. S. (2013)
- Brazil’s Maritime Strategy in the South Atlantic: The Nexus Between Security and Resources. Duarte, É. (2016)
- Brazil, the Blue Economy and the maritime security of the South Atlantic. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 12(1), 97-111. Duarte, É., & de Barros, M. C. (Eds.). (2019)
- Maritime security challenges in the South Atlantic. Springer International Publishing. Hall, G. E., & Webber, M. (2022)
- NATO and Maritime Security in the North Atlantic. In Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security (pp. 311-322). Routledge. Laxe, F. G., Bermúdez, F. M., Palmero, F. M., & Novo-Corti, I. (2016)
- Sustainability and the Spanish port system. Analysis of the relationship between economic and environmental indicators. Marine pollution bulletin, 113(1-2), 232-239. Leal Filho, W., Salvia, A. L., Frankenberger, F., Akib, N. A. M., Sen, S. K., Sivapalan, S., … & Emblen-Perry, K. (2021)
- Governance and sustainable development at higher education institutions. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 6002-6020. Medeiros, S. E., & Moreira, W. D. S. (2017)
- Maritime co-operation among South Atlantic countries and repercussions for the regional community of security practice. Contexto Internacional, 39, 281-304. Sousa, I. (2014, June)
- Maritime territorial delimitation and maritime security in the Atlantic. In ATLANTIC FUTURE Workshop, University of Pretoria (Vol. 7). Vreÿ, F. (2017)
- A blue BRICS, maritime security, and the South Atlantic. Contexto Internacional, 39, 351-371
Funding and Institution
Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (candidate 2024); Pro-Defesa V CAPES Br (2024-2028)