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universidade lusófona


Call for Chapters

Dr Liliana Reis and Dr Paulo Mendes Pinto, researchers at the LusoGlobe, are the editors of the book entitled European Union, Human Rights and Religion – between crises and war, together with Donizete Rodrigues, Center for Research in Anthropology – Nova University of Lisbon.

Electoral Change in Portugal

Susana Rogeiro Nina participated in the conference “Electoral Change in Times of Perma-Crisis: Portugal 2002-2022,” where she presented her work on the impact of polls on voter mobilization and strategic voting. The conference was held at ICS – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon, organized by Marina Costa Lobo and Ana Espírito Santo.

Developing a Research Design

A special seminar, organized by Dr Susana Nina, on developing a research design was organized for third-year Political Science and International Relations students.

Book Launch: The Future of the European Union: Politics, Economy, Rule of Law and Religion

«The Future of the European Union: Politics, Economy, Rule of Law and Religion», organized by Prof. Jorge Botelho Moniz is now available.

Comparative Methods

Open lecture with Hugo Ferreinho Lopes on the use of comparative methods in Political Science and International Relations. The event was organized by Dr Susana Nina.