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universidade lusófona


The Impact of EU Politicisation

Susana Rogeiro Nina co-authored a chapter in the book "The Impact of EU Politicisation on Voting Behaviour in Europe," edited by Marina Costa Lobo as part of the ERC-MAPLE project. The chapter compares EU politicization in media and parliamentary debates.

LusoGlobe Centre Inauguration

The LusoGlobe - Lusófona Centre on Global Challenges was formally inaugurated on the 17th of May, with an event dedicated to presenting recent publications from its researchers.

Café Europa Podcast

The European Studies and International Relations Coordinator at Universidade Lusófona, Jorge Botelho Moniz,  was invited by Café Europa, from Rádio Observador, for a special day. The podcast, one of the most influential on the national scene on European affairs, meets to discuss current European issues and discuss with students the importance of Europe Day in the context of the development of the European project.

Workshop: Local Development and Internationality

Luzia Becker, a researcher at the UFVJM and the InterAgency Institute, was an invitee from the LusoGlobe Centre, and offered a workshop to researchers on Local Development and Internationality.

Book launch: New World Order in Transition

Ana Paula Rodriguez and Sabrina Medeiros (LusoGlobe) have published a chapter on Brazilian Foreign Policy and tendencies on the Brazilian role in the international scenario. The book is in Spanish and the chapters can be accessed individually. As editors of this multinational initiative are José Miguel Calvillo Cisneros and Adolfo Calatrava García

1ª. Conferência Lusobrasileira sobre Liberdade Religiosa

In the contemporary world, it is estimated that about 70% of the world's population suffers from some type of religious persecution.