Event: On the CPLP challenges and values
Ambassador Juliano Féres Nascimento made a speech on the Portuguese-speaking countries Community (CPLP) challenges and values, on 13th March 2024. The event counted with Lusófona University Vice-Rector, Dr Maria Isabel Babo and was organized by Dr Regina Queiroz and Sabrina Medeiros.
Event on March 14th commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Mário Soares
On March 14th, the commemorative event of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Mário Soares took place, as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April.
Publication: Sub-Saharan Africa and global education agendas: A reflection on education and teacher training policies
Arlinda Cabral published the article "Sub-Saharan Africa and Global Education Agendas: A Reflection on Education and Teacher Training Policies" in Cadernos de Estudos Africanos.
On Portuguese democratization and its Legacies
António Costa Pinto was a speaker at Unversidad Católica Andrés Bello and Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, on March, 1st to 2nd, presenting a Conference on Portuguese democratization and its legacies.
Publication - Artificial Intelligence Regulation
Sabrina Medeiros has published a Policy Brief on Artificial Intelligence regulation and the growing gap between Global North and Global South Atlantics.
Education and the Culture of Peace
Fernando Campos presented the communication: "Educar para a tolerância e para o perdão, como alicerces para a construção da paz" at UCP - Braga, at the V Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia – Educação, Cultura da Paz: Memória, Verdade e Perdão (18-20 January 2024).
The event was promoted by the Center for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, of the Catholic University of Portugal – Braga, in partnership with the Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao).